So in last minute mama fashion, I’ve put together some holiday gifts for my son’s class on the last week before the holidays. I decided to challenge myself with finding something useful on a budget considering there are close to 30 kids in his class.
The light beams were only $1 for 4, and the printing was about $3 for 1 sheet of 10 cards at staples. So each gift costs about $0.55? Totally affordable for any budget.
As usual, I like to stay away from sweets because of food sensitivities, and the fact that kids are already over stimulated during the holidays, do we really need to add sugar to that…?
This year, my son and his classmates are learning to read. When I asked his wonderful teacher for advice on how to get him to focus on the words he’s reading, she told me about these light beams that can be placed on your child’s finger to help them focus on the words they’re reading.
The only caveat may be that it’s a bit too fun, and it mayyyyy turn into a laser show in your room, but here’s hoping it’ll help make reading a fun and enjoyable experience.
Feel free to print out the template and make your own.